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Join our community and help make a difference. 

 Our shared priorities ...

  1. Build strong peer relationships.

  2. Support community groups.

  3. Deliver a program of ‘on-the-ground’ outcomes.

  4. Stewardship of natural environment.

  5. Facilitate programs that educate and inform.

Our priorities define our organisation, our commitment to our membership and, through them, to our stakeholder partners.

Our Member Groups 

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Read about MCG membership benefits here

ACT Urban Woodland Rescue Landcare 

ACT Urban Woodland Rescue is committed to protecting and enhancing Canberra’s biodiversity.

Ainslie Volcanics Woody Grassland

We’re rehabilitating the Natural Temperate Grassland (NTG) and Grassy Woodland (GW), Blocks 2 and 3, Section 60 on Quick Street, Ainslie with the assistance of Urban Parks and Places program and the Molonglo Conservation Group.


Professor Jamie Pittock, President, Friends of Grasslands, walked the area in March 2022 and identified both NTG and GW. He advised this site was definitely worth conserving.


There are garden escapees to weed and the usual four suspects: Chilean Needle Grass, African Love Grass, Serrated Tussock and, of course, St John’s Wort.

Over the last few months, ACT Natural Resources Management has had serrated tussock sprayed, rabbit numbers reduced and is removing, in stages, invasive tree species.


Lori Gould’s Ainslie Volcanics Site Plan: An Ecological Restoration Site Plan is our guide. We are now planting Acacia buxifolia, Bursaria, Cassinia, Daviesia & Indigofera species plus hundreds of Leucochrysum albicans.

This is a long-term project and we love it!

Bragg Street Park Volunteers Group  

The aim of the Bragg St group (in Hackett) is to get more local interest in the park, the was formed in 2016 and is registered with the Urban Parks Volunteers program. The group aims to improve the biodiversity and amenity value by undertaking revegetation activities, taking into consideration that half the park is in a bushfire zone. The group also supports the provision of recreational elements that can be used by people of all ages and abilities.

Carwoola Landcare

Carwoola Landcare members represent a cross-section of the community, with some just enjoying life on a bush block, others trying an agricultural activity such as grapes, olives, alpacas, goats, sheep or cattle, but all sharing a common concern in caring for the land and preserving biodiversity as far as possible.

Campbell Care Campbell Community Association

Campbell Park Care Group have started a long term project to regenerate a two hectare park in the center of Campbell to:


  • enhance the site by planting an ACT native understorey below the mature remnant Box-Gum trees in the park to provide greater habitat for native wildlife and a wildlife corridor through the centre of the suburb”

  • help offset the loss of living infrastructure from increased building development

  • provide a community group for volunteers to contribute to their park and enjoy watching the project expand and grow.

  • create an enhanced natural setting for the community to enjoy, spend time in and hold community events.

  • create a local natural area where children from nearby schools can learn to recognise different native species and plant associations common to the ACT.

Captains Flat & District Landcare 

Captains Flat

Dawson Street  Gardens Volunteers

Dawson Street Gardens volunteer group, who transformed a barren patch of urban open space into a lush, thriving community space. These sorts of spaces are so common in the older suburbs of the Bush Capital - imagine transforming yours into something alive and beautiful.

Friends of Dryandra St Woodlands 

Friends of Dryandra Woodland is a community group dedicated to restoring degraded forests and woodlands along the western edge of O’Connor.


Another focus is entering records into NatureMapr to gain an understanding of how Dryandra Woodland’s biodiversity is complementary to that in adjacent reserves. We have recorded over a thousand species of animals and plants on Dryandra Woodland.


Formed in 2020 volunteers have restored and conserved significant bushland remnants along, and west of, Dryandra Street in North Canberra.


In the past four years we have focused on restoring TCCS land bounded by Barry Drive, and Dryandra and Fairfax Streets. Recent activities have focused on PCS land on the eastern edge of Bruce Ridge Nature Park.


The Group is sociable and our special reward is seeing steady progress as weeds retreat and natives return

Friends of Mount Majura

Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) is a volunteer Park Care Group, which aims to protect and enhance the environment of Mount Majura, including ecologically significant remnant grassy woodland and the critically endangered Canberra Spider Orchid (Arachnorchis actensis).


We focus on removing weeds, including garden escapees such as Cotoneaster and Hawthorn, ‘weeds of national significance’ like Serrated Tussock and ‘transfomer’ species, such as Saint John’s Wort, which threaten the local ecosystem. We map the treated areas and do some replacement planting of local native species.


We also offer guided nature walks to introduce the wildflowers, trees, birds and other animals found on Mount Majura.


We would love you to join us in this long-term project. FoMM holds monthly working bees on Sundays across sites in the Canberra Nature Park near Hackett and every Monday morning at ‘The Fair’ in North Watson. No experience necessary – you will learn from others who enjoy good company while rehabilitating Mount Majura.

Friends of Black Mountain

Friends of Black Mountain is an energetic local community group of volunteers who help conserve and promote Black Mountain's biodiversity and values now and for future generations.

Friends of Molonglo Green Spaces 

The Friends of Molonglo Green Spaces is a dedicated and informal group of volunteers passionate about preserving Molonglo Valley's parks and common lands. Known for their hands-on approach, they actively engage in activities like planting native species and maintaining trails. Their warm camaraderie and shared love for the environment make this group a close-knit community that welcomes new members with open arms. In essence, they embody community-driven environmentalism, fostering a sense of joy and fulfillment in caring for the natural beauty of the Molonglo Valley.

Friends of Light Street Park

Friends of Light Street Park (Inc) is a not for profit community led association. We are a group of your neighbours, keenly interested in seeing Light St Park rejuvenated, enhanced, and maintained as an important community space to support an active, engaged and inclusive community for all.


We believe in the power of connection and are committed to creating opportunities for people of all ages to come together.


We are dedicated to preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of our park- its trees, open space and the surrounding areas.


We would like to develop a longer term park plan to ensure longevity.


Join us in our mission to create this vibrant community.

Friends of Magpie Hill Park

Friends of Magpie Hill Park began in 2020 after an adopt-a-park grant was awarded to the Lyneham Community Association. The grant funded community workshops on ideas to rejuvenate the park.


Local residents then came together to work on improving the park, starting with some minor erosion control in the southern corner and enclosing a no-mow area on the eastern side where weeds have been removed and wildflower and native grasses have been protected. Both areas have seen natural regeneration of a seasonal mix of small herbs, bluebells, tiny daisies, Kangaroo Grass and other native grasses.

Our monthly newsletter details our activities with the latest nature sightings.


We recently won another adopt-a-park grant to tackle the erosion and increase plant diversity along an informal path through the park.


We meet monthly from 9.30 to 11am on the last Sunday of the month. Come along and help or just drop by for a chat.

Friends of Watson Green Space

Friends of Watson Green Space is a volunteer group that aims to support biodiversity and build knowledge and appreciation of Watson Green Space.


Current projects focus on building connectivity around Billabong Pond and a small planting around our community meeting tree.


Watson Green Space is an urban park that runs under the power lines and between Aspinall Street and Antill Street in the suburb of Watson.


It is bordered by the Watson Woodlands / Justice Robert Hope Park— home to critically endangered Box-Gum Grassy Woodland—which connects to the Mount Majura Nature Reserve.


We would love for you to join us either as a volunteer or just to follow our story and learn how diverse our urban landscape can be.

Grevillea Park Meditation & Healing Garden Volunteers

The Canberra Interfaith Forum, a group of people from different spiritual faith traditions, establish this garden (Environment Meditation and Healing Garden) in Grevillea Park, Barton in 2011 to symbolise a commitment of respect; protect and conserve the natural environment; provide a venue for meeting, meditating and deepening connection with the environment; promote harmonious relationships among people; and provide a facility for hospice users to rest peacefully in a natural setting.


A plaque, listing the 12 spiritual traditions and eight cooperating organisations, is placed at the upper side of the garden-bed. The Garden was formally launched by former MLA, Ms. Mary Porter representing the Chief Minister in May 2011.


The group organises workshops for youth groups of the various spiritual and multicultural traditions, to promote understanding of environmental issues, encourage them to express their views, and become engaged in maintaining the Garden and other environmental support action and activities.

Honeysett Park Gardening Group

Honeysett Park Gardening Group assists the ACT Government in the maintenance of Honeysett Park, Kingston.


The group's aim is to enhance the park with new plantings and other improvements as required, to ensure the park remains a popular recreation location for local residents. 

Legacy Park

Friends of Legacy Park (FOLP) have been working together to improve the Park by removing weeds, planting natives and targeting erosion with use of cour logs.


Legacy Park, Campbell was dedicated on 30/09/2001 to commemorate the 78th anniversary of Legacy (the organisation dedicated to the welfare of widows and children of veterans).


FOLP meet once a month on a weekend for two hours, weeding and planting, before a delicious morning tea / lunch (and hot soup in winter!). Volunteering with FOLP is a great opportunity to meet your neighbours and help improve our local environment. Children are welcome.

Join us to enjoy working in the fresh air, among good company and with good food afterwards.


We encourage you to visit the Park and see the good work we are doing.

Majura Valley Landcare

Majura Valley Landcare Group's vision for the Majura Valley is one which combines sustainable farming, local produce, the protection and further development of native woodlands and grasslands, a focus on eco tourism, while working in harmony with light industry such as the solar project.

Mt Ainslie Weeders

The Mount Ainslie Weeders are a group of volunteers aiming to preserve and protect the natural beauty of Mt Ainslie Nature Park, which includes critically endangered areas of Yellow Box - Red Gum grassy woodland.

Our efforts are mainly centred around the Old Ainslie Tip in the north western part of the nature park. Over the last decade or so we have revegetated a large part of this previously barren area. (access is via the gate at the SE end of Phillip Ave, Hackett).


As needed and in close collaboration with the rangers, we also work in other areas of the reserve, mainly around the western lower slopes of the mountain, close to the suburb of Ainslie.

Activities include:

  • weed control, mechanical and/or chemical

  • mapping of weeds and rabbit warrens

  • native plantings

  • maintenance of previous plantings (mulching and watering)

  • seed collection and seeding of native species

  • surveys


We hold regular work sessions every first Sunday of each month (summer 8:30am start, winter 9am start), usually lasting until lunch time.

We will provide the tools and the all-important morning tea.

Mt Pleasant Park Care 

The Mt Pleasant Parkcare group was formed 10 years ago to protect the 57-hectare nature reserve of box-gum woodland. Since inception, we have run monthly working groups to remove weeds and revegetate the area.


This month our working party of 7 people removed weeds from the Reserve close to Blamey Crescent, and we pulled out or poisoned 2000 privet plants, Cootamundra wattle, grevillea and other escapees from local gardens.


We have won two grants from Environment ACT to control weeds, this is an independent report on those projects:

"What was once a monoculture of Blue Periwinkle that continued to spread into high-value areas, is now a diverse mix of exotic and native grasses, regenerating Eucalypts, and sedges. Although other environmental weeds and Periwinkle will need to be controlled ongoing, the ecological function of this site is now significantly greater than it was prior, due to the high diversity of all plants which together improve soil condition and provide microhabitat for critical elements of food webs."

Narrabundah Wetlands

Friends of Narrabundah Wetlands are a small group of like-minded people who wish to assist with environmental concerns by keeping undesirable plants out of the local Wetlands and also enhance the amenity of the community in which they live.


Convened by a sub-committee of Old Narrabundah Community Council.

The group was originally established over 20 years ago as the Narrabundah Landcare Group and has planted most of the native trees on the Western side of Jerrabomberra Creek facing Matina Street. It has undertaken these projects with grants from the ACT Government and in cooperation on occasion with Greening Australia, St. Edwards College, Narrabundah College, Narrabundah Primary School and the Harmonie Club.


It currently meets at the picnic shelter on Sunday mornings at 9.00am (Summer) and 10.00am (Winter) to undertake weed removal, exotic species control, mulching and occasionally planting and watering. Currently between 5 and 8 members attend.

Queanbeyan Landcare

Queanbeyan Landcare has been active since 1995.

Every year we plan and host community events including informative walks on National Eucalypt Day, planting on National Tree Day, celebrations on World Environment Day and involvement on Clean up Australia Day.


We participate in the regional Gang-gang Cockatoo and Aprasia parapulchella surveys.

‘Friends’ groups meet at sites across the region to restore, enhance and protect the local environment.

The groups are:


Friends of Queanbeyan River - weeding and planting local native trees, shrubs and grasses at 3 sites along the river.

Friends of Bicentennial Park - formed in 1995 this group encourages natural plant regeneration.


Friends of Mt Jerrabomberra & Stringy Bark Ridge care for this high conservation value reserve in the heart of Queanbeyan.

Fernleigh Park Landcare Group – locals have planted along Jerrabomberra Creek since 1986 creating a corridor of connected vegetation.


Friends of Wandiyali- Environa Wildlife Sanctuary - a private land biodiversity conservation initiative restoring Box Gum Grassy Woodland.

Reedy Creek Landcare

Landcare activities in the Reedy Creek Area (Sutton Road, ACT)

Royalla Landcare

Royalla Landcare aims to enhance the biodiversity of the Royalla area & its surrounds through the protection & enhancement of the natural environment.

Wandiyali Restoration Trust

Wandiyali Restoration Trust undertakes biodiversity restoration and resilience projects in critically endangered (CEEC) Box Gum Grassy Woodland and Natural Temperate Grasslands, as well as open forest, other woodland and riparian habitats. This work includes weed control and water management, small specific habitat plantings, landscape connectivity and Safe Havens, and (threatened) species translocations.


A partnership with Queanbeyan Landcare, Wandiyali Restoration Trust, and a team of volunteers, lovingly restoring a small reserve of Box Gum Grassy Woodland ‘native pasture’ at the junction of Jerra and Old Pops Creeks, by meeting once a month and undertaking ‘assisted natural regeneration’. Queanbeyan Landcare’s has an interest in preserving, restoring and enhancing the biodiversity of this quality patch.

Membership Benefits
Member Groups

Friends of Honeysett Pond Park

The Honeysett Pond Park is situated between Honeysett View and Jerrabomberra Creek.
It centres on a small pond created in the early development of the foreshore. The park is a habitat for a variety of waterbirds and smaller creatures that have made this area their home.

It is also a popular recreational area for local residents and visitors, and a thoroughfare for the many regular walkers passing through. Recreational use includes fishing in the creek, launching kayaks and social gatherings.

The Friends of HPP are a small group of volunteers who maintain the park for the benefit of many people in the community, under the guidance of the ACT Government. We currently work in our own time, coming together for working bees when needs arise. Our regular tasks include weed removal, exotic species control, mulching and planting and watering, when necessary. We would love to grow the volunteer group, so that we can consider some bigger projects.

Friends of Jerrabomberra Wetlands

The Friends of Jerrabomberra Wetlands get together for working parties to help take care of the Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve between Kingston and Fyshwick.

We call them parties because a lot of chatting goes on as well as the work of planting and
caring for native trees, shrubs and grasses, also removing weeds such as blackberry, briar
rose, St John’s Wort, periwinkle, alder and other exotic trees. We also do ad hoc projects
to improve conditions for visitors, such as cutting back reeds blocking birdwatchers’ views and erecting nesting boxes in the swamps.
New members will learn a lot about the plants, birds and animals in the Reserve, get some
exercise, and meet friendly people who share your willingness to make a difference in their

The group meets at 09.30 – 12.30 (09.00 -12.00 in daylight savings) on the first Tuesday and third Saturday of each month.

Fisher Park Ainslie
Volunteer Group

Fisher Place is one of the Ainslie Park Restorations projects. We want to create a greater connection to the nearby Mount Ainslie reserve to bring the mountain into the heart of Ainslie and to increase the communities’ understanding of the vast biodiversity and native flora and fauna on their doorstep.

Fisher Place is home to the threatened Golden Sun Moth (Synemon Plana), GSM. Volunteers will be focusing on protecting and restoring GSM habitat, and connecting and extending its potential habitat across the site.

Our work is funded by the Adopt -A-Park grants, guided by Ecologist, Lori Gould’s Ecological Site Plan and the wonderful Molonglo Conservation Group.

Please e-mail us or follow us on social media to let us know you're keen to help with the restoration works.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Molonglo catchment, crossing the NSW/ACT border, overlaps with a mix of traditional Aboriginal cultural boundaries and lines of connection, and statutory Aboriginal Land Council boundaries. The history of Aboriginal people is a living history and, in the present day, the NSW region is defined by Ngunawal traditional boundaries (spelt Ngunnawal by some clan groups and the ACT Government), traditional boundaries of the Gundungurra, Dharawal, Yuin, Ngarigo Aboriginal communities and the statutory boundaries of the Ngambri Aboriginal Land Council. In the ACT there are currently four Representative Aboriginal Organisations – Buru Ngunawal Aboriginal Corporation, Mirrabee, King Brown Tribal Group, and Ngarigo Currawong Clan. We acknowledge all Aboriginal custodians of this region. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life that is within and around the Molonglo catchment.

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Funding Acknowledgement

Molonglo Conservation Group acknowledges the funding assistance provided through the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme Regional Investment Strategy, various ACT Government environment and heritage programs, and various NSW Government programs. We also acknowledge corporate project assistance.  

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