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Natural Know-How

Project Resources

Woodland Birds on TSRs in the Bungendore area - funded by NSW Environment Trust

Colouring Book

Wonderous Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands: a colouring exploration of a diverse ecosystem

activity 1

activity 2

activity 3

 ACT Teacher's Guide

Wondrous Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands – ACT Teacher’s Package

Restoration Handbook

Landholder's brochure

Grassy Woodlands Landholders Handbook

 NSW Curriculum alignment

Cat Containment Teacher's Resource

Luna the Stay-At-Home Cat


Luna the Stay-At-Home Cat NSW teaching package specially tailored for Woodland Birds 

Woodland Birds
Aprasia Project

Aprasia (Pink Tailed Worm Lizard) - funded by NSW Save Our Species program

Activity Sheet

Pinky Presentation

Aprasia activities sheet and Pinky Presentation

Fact Sheet

Aprasia Brochure

Aprasia Fact Sheet & Brochure

Luna the Stay-At-Home Cat


Luna the Stay-At-Home Cat book Parts 1-4

Guides, Factsheets, Brochures and Videos
MCG Catchment

MCG Molonglo Catchment Plans, Strategies and Publications

Canberra's Inner South Tree Planting Map

Molonglo Catchment Strategy 2015-30

Molonglo River Rescue Action Plan 2010

MCG Library Catalogue

Species in the Suburbs

colouring book

Species in the Suburbs

Teacher Resource and Activities Booklet


Miscellaneous Lists, Plans and Strategies

Plant Species for Urban Landscape Projects

Urban Forestry Strategy 2021-45

National Recovery Plan for the Koala

Native Plant Nurseries in the ACT

2015 Molonglo River Reserve and Offset Areas Ecological Management Guidelines

Jerrabomberra Creek

Jerrabomberra Creek Master Plan, Native Seed Collection, Native Vegetation and Erosion Control

Master Plan

Jerrabomberra Creek Master Plan June 2021

Native Seed Collection

Erosion Control

Native Vegetation

Native Seed Collection, Erosion Control and Native Vegetation Fact Sheets - funded by Australian Government Community Environment Program

Bush to Banks Riparian Linkages project - funded by NSW Environment Trust

Weed Info Pack

Weed Information Pack

1. Contents


About the Catchment


Control Methods


Control Calendar


Controlling Weeds


African Boxthorn


African Lovegrass








Chilean Needlegrass


Cootamundra Wattle


False Acassia










Pattersons Curse


Radiata Pine






Serrated Tussock


St Johns Wort


Sweet Briar




Tree of Heaven



Local Plant Guides

Local Indigenous Plant Guides

Plant Guide 

Jerrabomberra Creek


Plant Guide

Molonglo River


Plant Guide

Queanbeyan River


Guide Burra Creek

Pest Animals Fact Sheets

Pest Animals Fact Sheets

Feral Animals Pack

Ngunawal Pathways

Caring for Ngunawal Pathways

Bullan Mura Conservation Management Plan 

(Supported by ACT Gov Environment Grants)

Bullan Mura Interpretive Sign

(Ngunawal cultural map)


(Supported by ACT Gov Environment Grants)

Working on Country  Inter-connected Landscape Management Brochure

(Supported by ACT Gov Environment Grants)

Map of Molonglo catchment and sub-catchment  management boundaries in the context of traditional Ngunawal territory boundaries

MCG Reconciliation Action Plan 2020-21

Bullan Mura Cool Burn Workshop


supported by Foundation for National Parks grant

Bullan Mura Reconciliation and Cultural Awareness

Aboriginal Agriculture

Bill Gammage

Bruce Pascoe

Wally Bell 

May 2018 -  Building Resilience in Productive Landscapes in the ACT Region project SGR1-0592


Landcare ACT/Catchment Group project funded by Australian Government

Sullivan's Creek - Learning Ngunawal Country - Project partnership between Molonglo Conservation Group and Create and Sow following Sullivan's Creek with Ngunawal elders, Uncle Wally Bell and Auntie Karen Denny.

Hydrogeology - Burra

Hydrogeological Mapping and Erosion Control - Burra

Burra Landscape Management Plan

Burra HGL Map Fact Sheet

Burra HGL and Erosion Workshop video

Sustainable Ag - Majura Valley

Sustainable Agriculture and its application in the Majura Valley - 2017 Bush Festival workshops - funded by Australian Government -  sustainable-agriculture-small-grants-programme - 2015-16

River Restoration  Jerrabomberra Creek and  the Majura Valley

Park Care and the Peri-Urban interface - panel discussion

Introduction to Traditional Firestick Farming in the 21st Century - Wally Bell

Introduction to Traditional Firestick Farming in the 21st Century - Peter Bridgewater

Introduction to Traditional Firestick Farming in the 21st Century - Sarah Sharp

Hydrogeology and water quality management - Wayne Cook

Hydrogeology and water quality management - Ian Lawrence

Hydrogeology and water quality management - Wally Bell

Hydrogeology and water quality management - John Feint

Conservation - Molonglo River

Revegetation, Weed Control, Threatened Species Reveg, and Community Engagement along the Molonglo River 

Woody Weed Control in the Upper Molonglo - Wendy Hodgman

Revegetation and Community Engagement in the Molonglo River and the Molonglo River Reserve in the new suburb of Coombs 2015-2018

Threatened Species Revegetation - Wandiyali - Queanbeyan NSW 

MCG Community Engagement - National Landcare Program 2014-2018

MCG Healthy Resilient Landscapes

 - National Landcare Program


On the Queanbeyan River with David - keeping our rivers healthy

Narrabundah Wetlands - let's go and explore

Protecting and Improving our Box-Gum Woodlands in the ACT

MCG Birds of Box-Gum Woodlands of the ACT Brochure

ACT Vegwatch

ACT Vegwatch Monitoring Review 2019-2020 - Practice & Findings  (supported by ACT Gov NRM Program & Capital Region Landkeepers)

Vegwatch Monitoring Program Review 2019-2020 Overview

Vegwatch Monitoring Program  Review 2019-2020

Vegwatch Monitoring Program Presentation 17-9-2020

Vegwatch Data Summary 2011 to 2018

Vegwatch Monitoring Program - Practice & Findings

Change in Vegetation Condition in the ACT after Indigenous Cool Burns

Vegwatch and  Button Wrinklewort - Bullan Mura 

Acknowledgement of Country

The Molonglo catchment, crossing the NSW/ACT border, overlaps with a mix of traditional Aboriginal cultural boundaries and lines of connection, and statutory Aboriginal Land Council boundaries. The history of Aboriginal people is a living history and, in the present day, the NSW region is defined by Ngunawal traditional boundaries (spelt Ngunnawal by some clan groups and the ACT Government), traditional boundaries of the Gundungurra, Dharawal, Yuin, Ngarigo Aboriginal communities and the statutory boundaries of the Ngambri Aboriginal Land Council. In the ACT there are currently four Representative Aboriginal Organisations – Buru Ngunawal Aboriginal Corporation, Mirrabee, King Brown Tribal Group, and Ngarigo Currawong Clan. We acknowledge all Aboriginal custodians of this region. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life that is within and around the Molonglo catchment.

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Funding Acknowledgement

Molonglo Conservation Group acknowledges the funding assistance provided through the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme Regional Investment Strategy, various ACT Government environment and heritage programs, and various NSW Government programs. We also acknowledge corporate project assistance.  

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This site is managed by Molonglo Conservation Group

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